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WindowID v2.15

Identify your windows.

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How many times do you need to work with a window and you don't remember where it is in your system? Specially when it is a multi-dll one with hundreds of procedures.
With this template your user (or yourself using remote access) can ask the window to identify itself, and find it right away in the complexity of your system (without having to trace through the source code the calls from the menu to get there).

Know in a second where you have to look for your window!
You can see the balloon with the window information. (click to zoom)

This template will help your users to clearly identify the procedure and application that they are having problems with, and how the user went there. Simply add a global extension to your program, and when you run it, you will find a small flat (invisible) button in each window. If you hover your mouse over this tiny button on the window with focus, you get a balloon with the procedure and application name and other useful information, so you can immediately find where to go in your system.
Furthermore, if you press the button or its hot-key (defined globally), you can display a message box with the information or copy the information to the clipboard (so your user can easily deliver the text to you).
Design-time or run-time activation.


* Shows a balloon tip on every window with useful information about the procedure (procedure name, menu call sequence to reach the base procedure plus buttons pressed to change each window), procedure parameters definition, procedure description, application name, date and time of last modification, type of template, current path, main file accessed if available)
Example (copied from the clipboard):
Procedure Name: DrawingsTabs
Demo/Drawings/Drawings - With Tabs + Change
Program Name: WIa6
Last change: 29 MAY 2006 11:50:16
Template: Window
Current path: c:\clarion\WindowID\WI_ABC_6_ENG
* You can selectively activate the template at run-time (controlled externally by an .ini file).
* You have design-time options to decide the action when pressing the button. You can either copy the info to the clipboard, and/or show a message box with the text (which in turn you can copy & paste, if you are using NeatMessage).
* Customizable icon and title for the WindowID message.
* External translation file (.TRN) for the user messages. Currently English and Spanish translations supplied.
* Customizable extra information.
* Works together with PrintWindow to add the Window information to the printout.
You can check the demo right now.
We are waiting for your comments!

The package includes a full instalation program with both templates (ABC and Legacy), examples and documentation in printable PDF format.


Support Pack (FullRecord + NeatMessage + PrintWindow + WindowID)

The complete support solution. Records your user file changes and messages. Print your user windows, and obtain precise information about what window your user is using. New!! Now help to fix your user's files on-site with FileTuner.
Save US$ 113 with this bundle!
CURRENT VERSION (Release date)


C5 C55 C6.3 up to C11 ABC LEGACY MULTI-DLL
(23 Sep 2018)
$ 45
Buy now!
$ 480
Buy now!
(*) Initial purchase price includes 1 year of revisions, upgrades and support.


Buy now!            

You can buy it right now at ClarionShop for just U$S 45. Or pay it just below using PAYPAL.

WindowID Options:

* Initial purchase price includes 1 year of revisions, upgrades and support.
* Support is given for the last patch of each Clarion versions (5.5 up to 10).


If you have questions, we will be pleased to answer. Just contact us.


Not sure yet? Read what others say

"This was the best thing next the sliced bread. You have no idea how this is going to make my life easier. I have 8 app's in the market with over 3000 users. When bugs are reported, sometimes it is difficult to get the client to tell the support team what screen they are on. Now they can email a support report to us." - Raymond Dummer (South Africa)
"This is a great product which I highly recommend. I thought it would be most useful for our users, but have found it saves me heaps of time. I can always see exactly where I am in our software, which makes it easy to raise specific Change Requests. The tool is simple and effective and well supported by Jorge and his team as well." - David Groves - Alchemy Technology (Australia)


WindowID downloads

Download WindowID v2.15 Setup File (Released 23 Sep 2018) Valid up to Clarion 11.
Upgrade required and new Serial number required if you purchased before May 21st 2013. You will receive them by email after purchasing.
Download WindowID v2.14 Setup File (Released 27 Nov 2016) Valid up to Clarion 10.
Serial number required. You will receive them by email after purchasing.
Download WindowID v2.11 Setup File (Released 27 Nov 2013) Valid up to Clarion 9.0.
Serial number required. You will receive them by email after purchasing.
Download WindowID Demo
Free download of compiled example.
Download WindowID v2.02 Setup File (Released 28 Apr 2009)
Serial number and Maintenance code valid until 28 April 2009 required.
Download WindowID v2.01 Setup File (Released 9 Jul 2008)
Serial number and Maintenance code valid until 9 July 2008 required.
Download WindowID v2.00 Setup File (Released 27 Dec 2007)
Serial number and Maintenance code valid until 27 December 2007 required.
Download WindowID v1.10 Setup File (Released 5 Jan 2007)
Serial number and Maintenance code valid until 5 January 2007 required.
Download WindowID v1.05 Setup File (Released 17 Dec 2006)
Serial number and Maintenance code valid until 17/12/06 required.



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